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tv   Fox Morning News at 6  FOX  November 6, 2012 6:00am-7:00am EST

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polls have just opened in virginia. a long fought battle ground for both presidential candidates y president obama and republican challenger mitt romney made one last push for votes late into last night. >> we all deserve a shot at our own american dream. and when the cynicked said we cooperate, you said yes, we can. you said yes, we can and we did. >> you hoped that president obama would live up to his prom toys bring people together to solve the big problems. he hasn't. i will. >> we'll know whose promise has paid off as election day 2012 gets under way. >> and besides choosing the next president, there are many other portant decisions to make here at home. fox 5 morning news continues right now. right now.
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straight up 6:00. this is a live look on this election day as pollling places have just opened there. we'll be continuing to follow that throughout the morning as well as other areas, maryland and d.c. as well. good morning. i'm sarah simmons. >> i'm wisdom martin. welcome to fox 5 morning news. people starting to stream in. they are getting it out of the way. not a lot of people there right now. let's talk about the weather for election day. >> generally good news forecast. it will be sunny but it will be cold. >> it is the rain we worry about. then the people won't go to the polls. but there is no excuse. >> locally, we'll be just fine. it is chilly out this morning. cold temperatures in the 20s through much of the area. so definitely jacket weather. might need the scarf and the mittens here pretty soon. >> i think i would say you could use them today. >> you sport the mittens?
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>> no, i don't do that. they clash with my outfit. >> mittens, gloves, whatever you put on. i wouldn't judge you. >> you wouldn't judge me if i had on mittens. >> no, i think it would be very cute. >> more on that coming up. >> we're quiet right now. we have this developing area of low pressure to the south. that will become our coastal nor'easter. we'll talk about that coming up. should be a lot of sunshine for the morning hours and clouds this afternoon. here are your cold temperatures. 35 at reagan national. 28 at dulles. bwi marshall, 33. temperatures again cold overnight and cold start to your day. we'll be slow to warm up into the mid- to upper 40s this afternoon with cloud moving in later today as that storm approaches. but should be dry for your tuesday. no issues weather-wise as far as the election is concerned. >> per ect f that is what we like to hear. >> time to say hello to julie
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wright again. >> perfect. that is what we like to hear. >> lighter volume as you continue to work your way across the american legion bridge. the inner and outer loop rolling smoothly at this hour between 270 and tyson's. 66 is still quiet for those continuing inbound leaving manassas headed in towards the capital beltway. southbound along 270, volume increasing just a bit. accident clean-up continues right now at 234 south at ballsport road. no one is getting by at this time. all the manning, preparation and promises come down to this day. today, voters choose who will lead the nation for the next four years. >> polls have just opened in virginia, a crucial battleground state. they will open in maryland and virginia at 7:00 a.m. president obama and republican challenger mitt romney made the most of their final moments on the campaign trail late last night.
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>> we didn't know how deep the crisis would turn out. but we knew we would get through those challenges the same way this nation always has, with that determined, unconquerable american spirit that says, no matter how bad the storm gets, no marty how tough times are, we're all in this together. >> president obama's final stop was in iowa, the same state where he won the 2008 caucus. a major force behind his first run for the white house. >> republican nominee mitt romney held a late-night rally in new hampshire, the same state where he launched his presidential campaign. >> some of your friends and family have not yet medicine up their mind who to vote for, i would like to you make sure to talk to them and see if you can convince them to come join us. ask them to look beyond the speeches and the attacks and all the atdz and to -- the ads
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and to look to the record. voting officially got under way just after midnight in dixville notch, new hampshire and it is a tie there. five votes were cast for president obama and five were cast for governor romney. polls in hart's location, new hampshire also opened around midnight. 23 were cast for president obama there and nine for governor romney. the polls in virginia have just now opened. >> the commonwealth will be the first battleground state to begin reporting results with 13 electoral votes. those result could be early indicators of the race. fox 5's melanie alnwick is live in fairfax county with how things are looking at the polls. >> we saw a couple of people strolling in. is it picking up? >> it actually is. at 6:00 in the morning on the dot, someone came out of doors and shouted the polls are open. it is kind of that official call that today is the day here in virginia. they do not have early voting
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so anyone who did not cast an absentee ballot will have to come to the polls today and we're told that already heren side langley high school, there are lines and pretty soon that line will start coming out the door. maybe that will give us an indication of turnout. we'll see. it is early this morning. a lot of people want to get here and vote and not have to wait in long lines and out in the cold before they have to go to work. very important state t will be watched across the country. thirteen electoral votes up for grabs. virginia is one. first battleground polls to open and one. first to close. result could be an early indicator of how the night will go for the candidates. they've both poured significant time and money into the commonwealth. mmonwealth. mitt romney has been making inroads. the most recent poll shows romney up by two points. the average of polls since october 22nd, however, has obama holding on to a just 3/10
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of a point lead. now, in the battle for the senate, former governors democrat tim kaine and republican george allen are battling for retiring senator jim webb's seat. he took the seat from george allen in 2006. kaine was polling well in october but his load has nor owed significantly. the most recent average showing kaine with a less than two- point lead. one of the differences will be that voter identification rule. if you don't have the valley voter i. d., have you to cast a provisional ballot. that won't be counted until friday. if you are confused about what you need to bring with you to the polls, go on to the virginia state board of elections web site and check it out before you come here today. back to you guys. >> thank you so much. the polls open in maryland in less than an hour. >> voters there will also in on seven key ballot questions. among the most high profile, question four is known as the dream act. it would guarantee in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants who meet specific
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requirements. question six would legalize same-sex marriage. governor owe medically signed it into law in march. opponents collected enough signatures to force a ballot referendum and then there is question seven as to expanded gambling and allow a new casino in prince george's county. up next, a major move to help make sure voters in new york and new jersey can get to the polls today. >> an as we go to break, remember, is the place to find complete election coverage. tweet us your election thoughts about this historic election day. you can track the returns on our results page and download the fox 5 app to stay on top of everything throughout the day. we'll be back. l be back.  [ mitt romney ] we have to work on a collaborative basis. look, the reason i'm in this race is there are people that are really hurting today in this country. and we face this deficit -- could crush the future generations. and republicans and democrats both love america
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but we ed to have leadership -- leadership in washington that will actually bring people together and get the job done and could not care less if it's a republican or a democrat. i've done it before, i'll do it again. i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message.
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voters into new jersey are determined not to let the aftermath of sandy get in the way of casting a ballot.
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many residents voted early at an administrative office or at a voting bus that made its way to shelter. state officials also encouraged people to cast provisional ballots for the presidential race. in new york, andrew cuomo is also allowing for affidavit voting. voters can now go to any polling place in the state and sign an affidavit and vote at that poling place. if they go outside of the registered continue you, they can only vote in the presidential an u.s. senate races. high is a battleground state and if the presidential election is close a winner might not be declared until after election day. that could be impacted by how many provisional ballots are cast. no republican candidate has ever won the presidency without ohio. everyone will be watching the number, of course and the clock closely today. more on that is coming up next. the weather won't disrupt election day plans in our area. but we are still keeping an eye
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on a nor'easter. tucker has more on that when we come back. maryland, it's time. time for marriage equality. question 6 strengthens protections for our churches and guarantees the civil right to commit to the one you love. while there are those trying to divide us, presidents obama and clinton stand with us. pastors, business leaders, newspapers, democrats and republicans are all coming together for question 6. because it's about fairness-- treating everyone equal under the law. and who could be against that? hey! hey, baby. [ starts car ] were you eating smoked sausage in here? no! no.
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could have gotten me one. i did. try the unmistakable flavor of dunkin' donuts' smoked sausage breakfast sandwich. it's deliciously irresistible. hurry in today. the smoked sausage breakfast sandwich is only at dunkin' donuts for a limited time. grab one today.
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annou"a champion of the tea ideologuet: who is part of the problem in congress." bartlett calls medicare unconstitutional. and even wants to completely abolish student loans for college. no wonder bill clinton and the washington post both endorse john delaney for his deep understanding of job creation. he'll be "an unusually effective congressman." delaney: it's not about politics. it's about doing what's right to help the middle class. i'm john delaney, and i approve this message.
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ate race that polls show could be close up to the very end. here a look with key times to look out for this election day. polls are open in virginia. at 7:00 tonighting polls close in virginia and it will be the first battleground state to begin reporting results. alaska with you be the last to close its polls at 1:00 a.m. so just etch those times in your mind depending on where you live. >> busy day. >> yeah, it is. >> good news, weather will cooperate at least around here today. it will be cold out.
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if you are going to be waiting in line, you want to make sure you are ready for the cold. temperatures for much of the area below freezing at this hour. we haven't done that so far this year. gout to acclimate a little bit. >> you may want to pull out the big huffy coat. >> and the mittens. >> and the mittens and the hat. let's go right to the temperatures. much of the area here below freezing. one of the exceptions here in washington, we're 35 degrees. we are 39 in annapolis. but there you go. you can see lots of 20s on the map this morning. even in leonardtown where you jumped to 34. you were 30 last hour. getting a little bit of cloud cover across the area. that is working a little bit of a blanket at the moment. 28 this morning in dulles. 25degrees in frederick. 27 in martinsburg. that is what you call cold. fredericksburg, 30 degrees. all the way down to richmond this morning, 30 degrees. so again, most of the mid- atlantic here, even pushing down into southern virginia below freezing at this hour.
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let's talk satellite-radar. we are doing fine to start your day. should be a sunny start. a little cloud deck working through at the moment. that is holing the temperatures up temporarily. here is our next storm system. this coastal nor'easter we've been talking for the last self days, that is going to push out to sea. redevelop an area of low pressure here off of cape hatteras later this afternoon and tonight and then move up the eastern seaboard during the day tomorrow. so we'll see our clouds increase here late today and tonight and during the day tomorrow, i think we'll have a period of showers around and perhaps tomorrow night, even a period of mixed precip. the best chance for that is going to be washington and points east and south. so again, the storm system looks like it will track just far enough east that many of the impacts will not get us directly here in washington as this storm system looks like it will take a track a little further east than sandy did last week. still going fine very powerful system. 40 to 60-mile per hour wind gusts. heavy rain for coastal areas. i don't think we'll see heavy rain here in washington. but we do have a high wind
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watch. it has already been posted east of the bay bridge tomorrow. so eastern maryland, lower eastern shore under that high wind watch where winds could gust 50, 06 miles per hour for a time tomorrow afternoon. so that storm will mean business as it moves through tomorrow. mostly sunny today, still cool. 48 your daytime high. winds out of the north and east. even later this afternoon, if you are waiting in line, it will be cool. 36 tonight, becoming cloud you and cold overnight. here is your accu-weather seven- day forecast. looks like rain moves in tomorrow afternoon. could mix with wintry weather in the form of snow tomorrow night. not looking at heavy precip totals around here but we have to watch that carefully as it could jog a little bit to the west. as we get to veterans day, temperatures will be in the low 60s. we'll celebrate that on monday or observe that on monday with temperatures in the mid-60s. that is a look at weather. let's do some traffic and get the latest from julie wright. >> good morning to you. already busy out here on the
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roads. we've got accident activity involving an overturned vehicle. that is what is tying up our commute no those continuing into southeast washington. for those -- for those continuing into southeast washington. south capital street is in good shape as you work across the anacostia. accident activity here in manassas still in play 234 south of ballsport road. roadway remains blocked off in each direct because of an accident. this is southbound 270 coming in out of hyattstown. lanes are open. no problems reported. one more camera to pop up. this will be northbound i-59 leaving the prince william parkway coming in out of woodbridge. no issues reported continuing out towards 123. coming up income we'll go live to fox business network in
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new york. a look at he key numbers comparing 2008 and 2012. as we go to break, what is better than knowing that you fulfilled your civic duty? how about a free burger? as if voting is not enough, z burger is giving away free single hamburgers or cheeseburgers who comes in wearing the i voted sticker or says z vote. you can only vote once so you only get one burger. one burger. >> if that is not incentive, i don't know what is. i'm telling you right now. >> vince is our floor director. he didn't believe it when i told him this earlier. fox 5 morning news is back in a moment. so, maybe you're trying to figure out question seven.
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well, lelet me give it a shot. if you're ok with marylanders spending five hundred and... fifty million a year gaming in other states, fair enough. but if you think we should keep that money here... add twelve thousand jobs, and generate millions for schools... well you should probably vote for question seven.
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because if it doesn't pass, all of this goes away. that's why the post called seven, common sense. but decide for yourself.
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welcome back. stocks are up this election day. we'll get more information on that and some other thins.
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we'll go live right now to lauren simonetti with fox business network live in new york with this morning's business beat. good morning to you and happy election day. >> happy election day, wisdom. how are you? >> i can't complain at all. let's talk about the markets first. >> decent day yesterday. very small rally as could be expected and ditto this morning as well. we have the markets up about 1/4 of 1% across the board as americans head to the polls. did you expect kind of a flat feeling on wall street. it has been a pretty good year. stocks are up dramatically and now we are waiting to see who will occupy the white house. >> all right. and we have one more thing that we want you to talk about. there is some research about the difference between some things in 2008 up to now? >> right. well, the economy is the number one issue for millions of americans an as we head to the polls today, we're thinking about how the current
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administration has affected our what does gas cost? what does food cost and all those things between eighty and now have risen drastically. you wouldn't believe that gas was less than $1.90 when the president took office. now, it is about $3.50. groceries have increased over the past four years. consumer confidence has shot down. foreclosures have shot higher i'm record number of americans are on food stamps. so these are all of the issues that we'll have on our minds as we do head to the polls and tomorrow morning, or very late tonight, we'll be talking about what happened, how they voted. >> all right. very good. lauren simonetti, always good to see you. have a great day. >> you too. >> both presidential candidates worked late into the night in their final push for votes. up next, more on their last pitch to voters and where they will be watching returns tonight. and as we go to break arks
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live look at the polling place in mchalloween, virginia. polls have been open there for about a half hour now. fox 5 morning news is back in just a moment. -- as we go to to break, a live look at the polling place in mclean, virginia.
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back now on fox 5 morning news. we are bringing you the sights of election day 2012 from around the region. these are the lines outside west briar elementary in industry anti, virginia just before the polls opened at 6:00. our own movie reviewer, kevin mccarthy votes there and he edmonton mailed us this picture. so kevin doing double duty today. >> we appreciate it. anybody out there watching, please do the same if you are seeing long lines as well. election officials? virginia say the number of absentee voters this year exceeded the number in 2008. they increased by nearly 3% in the state with more than 425,000 ballots received and more are expected to come in by the end of voting today. we are already starting to see
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other people sending in photos, lots of long lines out there. you are going to need to bundle up at least early this morning to be there. >> yeah, cold. got a freeze warning until 9:00 for much of the area here and temperatures overnight have fallen back into the 20s and low 30s for much of the region here. there is your freeze warning. it continues until 9:00 this morning. that is a heeds up to give you the warping that, if you have tender vegetation, that kind of thing subject to cold, your growing season will officially come to an end later this morning as the freeze will do its number. >> oh, man. >> sorry about that. >> should have got those tomatoes out. >> get that perfect tomato plant going. >> 35 right now in washington. 28 in dulles. bwi marshall, 33. last hour, bwi marshall was 30. so these temperatures popping around a little bit with the clouds that we have moving through. your forecast highs for today, only in the mid- to upper 40s. so if you are going to wait until later to vote, you will be waiting outside later this affect. still going to node a jacket as
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these temperatures will feel quite cool for this time of year. our average daytime high should still be in the in the low 60s. >> the beginning of november. what does this mean for the rest of the wint? >> i only have 10 seconds. coming up, we've fun ask tony and tucker question. something that will make you think. >> don't they all make us think? >> some more than others. >> you've been up here. you know how it is. thank you. all right. let's check in with julie. h ju >> the forecast for me, you will see me in a hat, gloves and big old parka until april. that is what it means. we do have dent activity to report this time around in the district. for those traveling north on 295, still clear headed to the 11th street bridge. the overturned vehicle, this is
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what is tying up your commute in southeast. the crash occurred along texas avenue at ridge road. no one able to get by at the scene at this time. so heads up there. other side of town, busy as well because of accident activity. you will find on the roads that northbound i-95 is good to go. no trouble spots to report right now leaving woodbridge headed out towards newington. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. etraffic. >> thank you. 207 electoral votes to determine the course of the next four years. >> all the planning, preps and promises comes down to today. president obama and republican challenger mitt romney made the most of their final moments on the campaign trail late into last night. >> we didn't know how deep the crisis would turn out. but we knew we would get through those challenges the
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same way this nation always has, with that determined, unconquerable american spirit that says, no matter how bad the storm gets, no matter how tough times are, we're all in this together. >> president obama's final stop was in iowa. republican nominee mitt romney held a late-night rally in new hampshire, the same state where he launched his presidential campaign i don't perhaps some of your friends and family have not yet made up their mind who to vote to. i would like you to make sure and talk to them and see if can you convince them to come join us. ask them to look beyond the speeches and the attacks and the ads and to look to the record because talk is cheap but a record is real and it is earned with effort. >> now, romney will be watching returns in boston tonight. president obama will be watching from chicago. polls in virginia have been open for about half an hour now and voting in maryland and d.c.
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is set to begin shortly at 7:00 a.m. >> battleground virginia will prove to be crucial for candidates with 13 electoral votes up for grabs as well as a highly contested race for a u.s. senate seat. melanie alnwick is live with the latest now. good morning. >> good morning. things have certainly been picking up not only here at the polling place in langley, virginia at langley high school but also at precincts around the state as people try to get in their votes before they head off this morning. we understand that senate candidate george allen has showed up also at his polling place in mount vernon and that he is in a line of about 200 people. they are not getting any special treatment there. he will have to wait until everybody el goes through in order to cast his vote presumably for himself and here inside langley high school, there is probably about 100 sore people waiting in line and soon we expect and the lines will come out the door. this is just a testament to
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what a hotly contested race it is. in the presidential race, 13 eelectric rail votes up for grabs and those are highly coveted by the campaigns. they've spent a lot of money and time here in the commonwealth. -- in the presidential race, 13 electoral votes up for grabs. the result could be an early indicator of how the night will go for the candidates inform 2008, barack obama was the first democratic presidential candidate to carry virginia since 1964 but mitt romney has been making inroads. the most recent rasmussen poll shows romney up by two points but the average of polls since october 22nd has obama holding on to a 3/10 of a percent lead. in the battle for the senate, tim kaine and george allen are battling for retiring senator jim webb's seat. he took the seat from allen in 2006 mostly because of some democratic strongholded up here in northern virginia am lot of people will be watching the northern virginia vote today.
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kaine was polling well in october but his lead has narrowed significantly. the most recent average of polls showing kaine with a less than two-point lead. voter i. d. here could be a very interesting factor today. the law has changed so if you don't bring a valid i. d. now, instead of just signing an affidavit and having your vote go into the regular votes, you have to vote a provisional ballot and come back later to verify that it was indeed your vote before it can be counted. if the race is very, very close in virginia, if it comes down to those provisional ballots, that where is we could see things start to get interesting because many of those will not be voted until friday. back to you. >> thank you. let's take a break from the election just for a moment and talk about another heated issue. >> what would that be? how about a little mike shanahan and the redskins. what is going on with the redskins? head coach mike shanahan talks about the team's plans to turn
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around a disappointing season coming up next in the morning line. line. >> and as we go to break, remember, is the place to find complete election coverage. tweet us about this historic day. we'll have live strohmeyering coverage. can you track returns on our results page and also download the fox 5 app to stay on top of everything throughout the day. -- we'll have live streaming coverage.
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we had a good group of people. good group of employees out there. this was a booming place. and mitt romney and bain capital turned it in to a junk yard. i was suddenly, 60 years old. i had no health care. mainly i was thinking about my family. how am i going to take care of my family. he promised us the same things he's promising the united states.
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and he'll give you the same thing he gave us. nothing. anncr: priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. look, the reason i'm in this race is there are people that are really hurting today in this country. and we face this deficit -- could crush the future generations. and republicans and democrats both love america but we need to have leadership -- leadership in washington
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that will actually bring people together and get the job done and could not care less if it's a republican or a democrat. i've done it before, i'll do it again. i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message. welcome back. you are taking a live look at the polls in d.c. right now. this is your chance to go in. it doesn't appear to be that busy right now in this location. >> not open. >> that's right. twenty minute until opening. i for get because virginia is open. the others have not opened yet. open at 7:00 a.m.
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an amendment that would give council members greater power to fire fellow council members for gross misconduct is up for a vote. more than 10% of the district's registered voters took part in early voting this year. polls open in maryland in just about 10 minutes. >> there are a number of key ballot questions. some of them have been controversial. fox 5's holly morris is live at a polling station in largo, maryland this morning. >> reporter: good morning. we are starting to see some voter roll up now. you're right the polls open at 7:00. they are anticipating a very high turnout here in the state of maryland in general. some predicting about an # 0% turnout rate. there is already more than 430,000 voters that did early voting. -- some predicting about an 80% turn outrate. really, smts key questions on the ballot that many believe are going to be the real driving force behind the high
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vetter turn outtoday. let's highlight a few. question three, it will change current rules removing an elected official if he or she is convict affidavit i crime. question four would allow some illegal immigrants to pay in- state tuition rates at maryland colleges and universities. question five has to two do with redistricting and whether the state keeps the new congressional map which is designed to send a seventh democrat to the house of representatives. then there is question six that, asks voters to legalize gay marriage and question seven which has to do with the expansion of gambling. let's talk about those last two because those have been highly debated for this time now. question six, legalizing gay marriage. governor o'malley has been working for this for some time. big names expressing support specifically for the maryland same-sex marriage law. meanwhile, ravens center mated burke taped a video not so long ago expressing his opposition
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to legalizing gay marriage. -- matt burke. and the gambling issue, both sides spending more than $87 million in an effort to sway voters inform question seven is pass, a sixth casino would be allowed to be built here in prince george's county at national harbor and it pass here in prince george's county specifically in order for that casino to be built. it would add table games. the big question here is the money being brought in and where the money will be spent. i will tell i had some people walk up and i said are you working the polls or are you voting in he goes i'm voting but that means i'm working for my country. everybody should today. polls open here at 7:00. they will stay open until 8:00 tonight. >> very good line. that is for sure. thank you. ank you. time now for the morning line and everybody is talking about
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where the redskins are heading. they are 3-6 this bye week. they can't lose this week. we know that for sure. only four nfl teams have made the playoffs with that same record. they've got just seven games left in the regular season. head coach mike shanahan says they've got no choice but to treat each one as a playoff game. everybody will be under the microscope this week including players and coaches but there will not be any staff changes. shanahan is in his third season and now has a record of 14-27. here is what he had to say when asked if the team owner dan snyder thinks the team is making progress. >> you will have to ask dan snyder that. if he feels like the team is going the right direction, ask him. >> has he given you any assurances that he believes that it is going for the right direction. >> you have to talk to him
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about that. >> how often do you meet with dan throughout the season? >> i meet with him, yeah. i meet with him. >> about how often? >> well, we have tea on thursday. i don't know. >> that is a very bizarre little exchange there. doesn't meet with the owner. very funny. her is a look at the redskins next four games. sunday, the 18th, it is the eagles at fedex field. then dallas on thanksgiving. monday, december 3rd, they will face the giants again and sunday the ravens in landover. fun and games at 14-27. let's be honest. we were expecting them to show improvement. >> i do want know how man times i heard people say and think, this is our chance. come on. >> he is a rookie.
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give him a little time. >> he is not the problem. >> i better do the weather. tony is shaking his head. i don't want to hear from tony. i won't get teatime with tony on thursday if i don't get right to the weather forecast. >> did you hear me when i said 14-27. >> i'm trying to do glass half full. >> it's got a hole in the bottom of it. >> it is cold out. it is cold out. it is cold here in the studio. 25 in manassas. 27 in martinsburg and culpeper. leonardtown, 34 for you. you were 30 last hour. most of the area has seen temperatures at or below freezing this morning. not here in washington, not in annapolis but most of the area earlier overnight temperatures at or below freezing. kind of a hard freeze. a freeze warning until 9:00 a.m. this morning. sunshine to start your day. a little bit of cloud cover to start your day at the moment.
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we'll see high clouds move in later this afternoon. this is our developing storm system for tomorrow. our coastal nor'easter we've been talking about for almost a week and still set to emen here off the carolina coast and really get going later tonight and during the day tomorrow. -- still set to emerge here off the carolina coast and really get going later tonight and during the day tomorrow. let's take a lock at futurecast together. we'll put it in motion. you want to emphasize this forecast track not set in stone. it could wobble a little bit to the west or further to the east during the day tomorrow. there you go at 4:00 suggesting that it will be close enough that we could see some shower activity. i want to mention that our future cast has been very
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aggressive trying to mix in winter weather with. it i think temperatures will be marginal for that but something we have to be concerned about. the bulk of the energy is to the east and north. we are sort of on the western edge of it. i can pretty much guarantee that it will all be out of here by thursday. still some question marks about tomorrow. but it is looking like the worst or the most significant impact unfortunately will be off to the north and east up into new jersey and new york tomorrow. 48 today. mostly sunny skies. quite cool. winds north and east here at five to 10. cloud you overnight and cold. 36 the overnight low. here is your accu-weather seven- day forecast. and there you go. look like the time frame for this will be during the day tomorrow and be out of here by early thursday. by the weekend, we'll have a nice warm-up. veterans day this year is on sunday but we'll own observe it on monday and temperatures will be mild with temperatures in the mid 60s. >> a lot of people would be happy to see the 60s. >> that is where it should be
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this time of year. >> all right. look who is here. >> good morning. good morning. pardon me. this is election day and the campaigns have gone on a long time, a lot of very important questions being raised. people are voting on those and for today's edition of ask tony and tucker, we thought yes -- >> and this question is very patriotic. >> it is. it has come up many, many times in american history so we'll try to answer t it is now time for ask tony and tucker. tucke this is the segment where turn and i put our big heads together to answer your most pressing questions weather- related or otherwise. jeannie writes, why do hot dog buns come in a pack of six when hot dog links come in a pack of eight. it does not equal out. >> that's funny. >> you put this question in google and go online and wait until you see what you come up with. this has been debated and
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argued about for some 50, 60 years and people really wonder about it. we have to make a correction to your question. in reality, for the most part, the hot dog beens come in packs of eight, hot dogs in packs in 10 so they do not match up. -- the hot dogs come in packs of eight. >> some have started to put out packs of buns in 10 to match the count in hot dog. but traditionally, she's right, it has not matched. >> tucker, do you want to start? >> yeah. okay. so i'll start with this part of t historically, meat packers sold meat by the pound. and so the easiest way to divide that pound of hot dog meat was to make it 10 separate hot dogs to equal the pound. >> a typical hot dog questions
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a tenth of a pound. you get the jumbo franks and all that. so it is ten to a pack. >> i just like we're showing people hot dogs in case we don't know what they were. >> what else are you going to show them? that that plains it on the meat end. on the bun end, it is not as clear why this is. according to cecil ad ms at the straight dope, he believes that bakers just don't like the number 10. they tend to bake things in multiples of three or four and package them that way. now, aren't there two twinkies to a pack and two hostess cupcakes to a pack? >> yeah. >> he says frequently it is in multiples of three or four so you don't come up with 10. >> my understanding what the bake are's pan back in the day, not so much now but when it
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evolved, it was designed basically to hold eight buns. is that true? >> that is one of the theories that it would be an eight-bun pan? is that right? >> yes, eight buns and 10 hot dogs. >> however, there are other people who feel there are other reasons for this. some kids don't like the buns. my son doesn't eat the buns. some people chop up some of of the hot dogs which i do to mix in with beans for photographers and beans. they feel like not everyone is going to use a bun for a hot dog. >>-- for franks and beans. >> if you buy five packs of buns and four packs of meat, you'll have 40 buns and 40 hot dogs. so it's nice an even. >> you could freeze some. >> and ready to go for the next month or so. >> or more. >> what about hamburger. >> oh, never mind. that is a whole other issue.
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>> i don't know. >> don't add any more meat. >> usually it is eight hamburger buns. you usually make your own patties. >> silly me. there i go stirring it up. >> there you go, jeannie. >> some manufacturers are trying to address this and match it up. >> that should have been part of the political campaign. >> where do you stand on the hot dog bun issue? if you have a question you want answered, go to and click onen the weather tab. >> i'm trying to figure out how on election day, we end up with a hot dog question. >> we need something lighter. >> that is the bottom line. >> all right. now that i'm all hungry, on the roads, we do have accident activity to report as you continue to make your way around town. first, let's talk about metro and what is happening here. we do have additional delays on metro's blue-orange line. this is due to an earlier stalled train that has been removed but again, expect
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additional delays on metro's blue-orange line. if you are traveling in southeast, it is the crash involving the overturned vehicle that is tying up a portion of texas avenue near ridge road. we have fort davis blocked off between massachusetts avenue and ridge. there is a portions of texas that remains blocked off at fort davis and fort dupont blocked off between randolph circle and fort davis drive until further notice. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> thank you. we are just a few minutes away from polls opening in maryland and the district. >> next hour, we'll have i closer look at what big decisions voters will make today besides choosing the next president of the united states. back in a moment. 
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11/6/12 time for our facebook fan of the day right now and today we say hello to david williams. he loves waking up to fox 5 morning news everyday. we appreciate it. congratulations. log on to our facebook page and leave a comment under david's picture. that does it for the 6:00 hour.
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>> now over to allison and tony. >> good morning to both of you. coming up, the wait is almost over. polling stations in maryland and the district now open in about two minutes. and long lines already in virginia where voters have been casting ballots for about an hour. presidential race to key local races, we have team coverage all morning long. >> and late into the night on the campaign trail, one final plea for your vote. >> no matter how bad the storm gets, no matter how tough times are, we're all in this together. >> you hope that president obama would live up to his promise to bring people together to solve the big problems. he hasn't. i will. >> president obama and mitt romney. romney isn't finished yet. he's decided to make last minute trips on election day. >> how will the


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